
February 10, 2012

The Douglas DC-3s at San Juan International Airport

For me, no trip to the Luis Muñoz Marin International Airport in San Juan, Puerto Rico can be complete without taking a few minutes to enjoy the old DC-3s sitting on the back of the airport. These planes belonged to Four Star Air Cargo, a defunct cargo airline that operated between Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands beween 1982 and 2009.

N131FS now sits quietly on a corner awaiting it's fate.

Today they are silent but I still remember the roar of those radial engines as they flew over my parents home on their final approach to the airport. They add a nostalgic touch to an airport that is now the most modern in the Caibbean. So, if you are a fan and you find yourself at SJU, take a walk to Terminal B and look outside toward the fuel depot. You will be rewarded with a sight you won't forget. But better do it soon because with Four Star gone who knows how long they will be around for enthusiasts to enjoy.